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Various Benefits of Yogurt for Pregnant Women

Every pregnant woman certainly wants to ensure the condition of her fetus stays healthy and experiences maximum development. To be sure, pregnant women certainly need to consume various foods that are rich in nutrition and nutrition. One type of food that is highly recommended by pregnant women, especially those who are undergoing the second trimester of pregnancy, is yogurt. Actually, what is the goodness of yogurt that can be obtained by pregnant women?

Health experts say if in the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women should start increasing the intake of various nutrients that are very good for the health and development of the fetus like calcium to protein. Calcium is very important for the growth of the bones and teeth of the baby so it is good for pregnant women to consume 1,200 mg of this nutrient every day. This number is certainly quite a lot right? Luckily, by regularly consuming yogurt which is widely known for its rich calcium, vitamin D, and protein, pregnant women will be very helpful in fulfilling this daily calcium requirement.

Even though it has reached the second trimester, in reality there are still quite a lot of pregnant women who experience morning sickness. If this happens, then of course there will be a lot of food intake lost due to vomiting. Fortunately, if pregnant women want to start breakfast by consuming a glass of warm milk or yogurt, then the feeling of nausea will soon disappear so that we can better prevent morning sickness.

To get a fresher sensation, pregnant women can add yogurt with several types of fruits like strawberries, grapes, and kiwi. These fruits are believed to be quite effective in reducing nausea. In addition, the very high vitamin content of fruits will certainly be very good for the health of pregnant women, right?

Self-care experts strongly recommend that we consume cold yogurt in the morning because it can increase the appetite of pregnant women. The sour taste of yogurt that is not too strong will also effectively reduce nausea so that pregnant women can consume a variety of nutritious foods.

